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Natural Gas Properties: GasProps2008

HOW IS IT USED? Explanation
User Interface Excel in Windows
Customizable by User? Yes
Suggested User Level Engineer / Supervisor
English and SI Units Yes 
AGA Report No. 8 Yes
AGA Report No. 10 Yes
CALCULATION Common Applications
Speed of Sound Ultrasonic meter verification calculations
Critical Flow Factor Critical flow prover calculations 
Isentropic Exponent Kappa  Calculations of isentropic compression and expansion of gas
Specific Enthalpy Heat exchanger calculations
Specific Entropy Compressor calculations
Molar Density D at Tf,Pf Conversion of volume flow rate at Tf,Pf to molar flow rate 
Mass Density Rho at Tf,Pf Conversion of mass flow rate to volume flow rate at Tf,Pf
Relative Density (ideal gas) Gr (ideal gas) Molecular weight of gas divided by molecular weight of air
Relative Density (real gas) Gr (real gas) Density of gas divided by density of air at Tb,Pb
Zb Compressibility Factor at Tb,Pb Flow rate conversions from flowing to base conditions
Zf Compressibility Factor at Tf,Pf Flow rate conversions from flowing to base conditions
Square Root of (Zb/Zf) Supercompressibility Orifice meter flow rate equation factor
Molecular Weight Molar Mass Moles to mass units conversion factor (mass/mole)
Cp (ideal) Ideal Gas Const. P, Heat Capacity Calculation of ideal gas enthalpy changes
Cp Const. Pres. Heat Capacity Calculation of enthalpy changes at constant pressure
Cv Const. Vol. Heat Capacity Calculation of enthalpy changes at constant volume
Cp/Cv Heat Capacity Ratio Used for adiabatic process calculations (no heat transferred)
Specific Enthalpy (ideal gas) Calculation of ideal gas enthalpy changes
Molar Density at TbPb Conversion of volume flow rate at Tb,Pb to molar flow rate 
Mass Density at TbPb Conversion of mass flow rate to volume flow rate at Tb,Pb
Joule-Thomson Coefficient Temperature drop for regulator and valve calculations.